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Important Note: Once you've chosen your program, simply complete your payment through our secure portal. If you choose to pay with PayPal or PayPal Credit, you'll be automatically enrolled in your program. Look out for an email from me ( with further details!

21 Days to Mindfulness - $25.00

Jennifer's 21 Days of Mindfulness is a jump start into the power of living in the moment and letting go of the restraints of past and future. This plan perfectly accompanies any lifestyle program, diet, exercise plan or as a standalone course.

30 Days of Sleep Hygiene - $40.00

The 30 Days of Sleep Hygiene Program will help you build and maintain your own set of healthy sleep habits that will allow you to achieve your goal of proper sleep hygiene. Different methods work for different people, so it's essential to be patient and allow yourself to discover what works best for you!

Exercise Basic Walking - $10.00

This walking schedule based on guidelines from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Physical Activity Guidelines can start you on the path to better fitness and health. Talk with your doctor if you've been sedentary for a long time or you have serious health issues.

The Revive Wellness Collection 365 Days a Year, 2-year plan! - $300

Evergreen 1: a plant that retains green leaves throughout the year 2: a 730-day plan complete with tips to be evergreen every season, 365 days of the year!

31-Day Functional Elimination Diet - $40

The elimination diet involves removing foods from your usual diet that you suspect your body can’t tolerate well to help identify allergies, intolerances, or sensitivities.
Your qualified healthcare practitioner might recommend the Elimination Diet if you suffer from any of the following:

Digestive problems
Chronic sinus drainage
Low energy
Mood swings
Skin irritations
Joint aches
Difficulty losing weight

Low FODMAP Diet - $40.00

The Low-FODMAP diet treats the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other gastrointestinal diseases. FODMAPs (Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, monosaccharides, and Polyols) are ingredients/foods such as certain grains, vegetables, fruits, and dairy that are known to trigger IBS symptoms.

This protocol helps through three stages: restricting high FODMAP foods, reintroducing the foods that are tolerable to each individual, and finally, maintaining a diet of foods that will contribute to easier digestion and minimize gastrointestinal flare-ups.

Leaky Gut Protocol - $75.00

“Leaky Gut,” also known as “increased intestinal permeability,” is a condition in which the intestinal epithelium (think a cellular wall that creates a barrier between the intestines and the body) allows toxins and other harmful bacteria into the body due to gaps in the wall’s “tight junction” pathways.

Typically, this wall allows for healthy nutrients to pass through into our bodies and our bloodstream, but when the body experiences increased intestinal permeability, harmful bacteria, and toxins can flow into and be absorbed by the body. In other words, the gate that should be keeping the bad stuff out of our body has been compromised, and those nasty bacteria and toxins can cause harmful conditions and uncomfortable symptoms.

Research has shown that you can decrease your intestinal permeability with a healthy change in diet and exercise!

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) - $150.00 1-year

DPP is an acronym for Diabetes Prevention Program. The Diabetes Prevention Program was initially introduced by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and is now a widely accepted and clinically tested/approved protocol for those looking to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

The Diabetes Prevention Program is a yearlong lifestyle change program designed to help you achieve moderate weight loss through eating well and being active to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

By the end of your first six months, the goal is for you to:
Lose at least 5 to 7 percent of your starting weight
Get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week at a moderate pace or more

By the end of your second six months, the goal is for you to:
Keep off the weight you have lost
Keep working toward your goal weight; if you haven't reached it
Lose more weight if you wish
Keep getting at least 150 minutes of activity each week

Pillars of Health 40 Days - $50.00

Four pillars of health help keep your body running smoothly while greatly benefitting your emotional well-being. These pillars are nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep, equally crucial to your health and lifestyle.
What Are the Pillars of Health? Four pillars of health help keep your body running smoothly while greatly benefitting your emotional well-being. These pillars are nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep, equally crucial to your health and lifestyle.

Diabetes Self-Management Wellness Program 150 Day Plan - $150

This program aims to empower you to make changes related to diabetes and prediabetes management while equipping you with knowledge related to diabetes care. As you learn to self-manage your diabetes, you will start to understand how it affects your overall health.

PLUS Mediterranean Diet for Diabetes with self-management wellness protocol
If you're looking for a heart-healthy eating plan that will help with diabetes management, the Mediterranean diet might be right for you. The diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating — plus a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps even a glass of red wine, among other components characterizing the traditional cooking style of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

BRAIN HEALTH EARLY MEMORY LOSS PROGRAM 3 in 1 Program Diet, Exercise, Sleep - $150

*MIND is an acronym for the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It combines the Mediterranean and DASH diets to create dietary habits that focus on brain health. The MIND diet was published in 2015 in the journal Alzheimer's and Dementia by Dr. Martha Clare Morris. The research shows that eating certain foods and avoiding others on this diet slows brain aging by 7.5 years and lessens the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

The 30 Days of Sleep Hygiene Program will help you build and maintain healthy sleep habits that will allow you to achieve your goal of proper sleep hygiene. Different methods work for other people, so it's essential to be patient and allow yourself to discover what works best for you!

Six weeks will introduce you to a daily lifestyle of fitness and health that will help you get stronger and healthier in just weeks. By the end of the plan, you'll be walking more than 30 minutes a day. Exercise decreases inflammation.

122-Day Heart Healthy Plan Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Stress Management - $160.00

DASH is an acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet has been around for around 30 years. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the DASH diet ranks top among 39 diets for “Best Diets for Healthy Eating” and “Best Heart-Healthy Diets” in the year 2021*The DASH diet was initially introduced by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and is now a widely accepted and clinically tested/approved protocol for individuals who are looking to improve their overall cardiovascular health or those looking to prevent or improve conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases -- so really anyone!

The 30 Days of Sleep Hygiene Program will help you build and maintain healthy sleep habits that will allow you to achieve your goal of proper sleep hygiene. Different methods work for other people, so it's essential to be patient and allow yourself to discover what works best for you!

Exercise doesn't always need to be vigorous or complicated; regularly walking can benefit your health. The benefits are even more significant once you walk faster, farther, and more frequently.
21 Days to Mindfulness: This course was created for you to enjoy a more peaceful, balanced, and joyful way of living

**Once items are purchased, they are NON-REFUNDABLE

The information provided by Natura Institute is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. As an RN, Integrative, and Functional Medicine Practitioner, I do not provide healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy in an attempt to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issues. The services offered are based solely on education and lifestyle modification strategies, providing individuals with the proper tools for success. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking any new health regimen.